Sunday, August 30, 2009

Become the Legacy Leader God Created You To Be

John Maxwell's Commentary about Genesis 1:26-31:
You and I were born to lead. Take a look at five observations based on Genesis 1:26-31 that suggest our God-given leadership potential:
1- Being made in God's image means we were created to lead
(v. 26).
After God says, "Let us make man in Our image," He says, "Let them have dominion...." One way we reflect God's
image is by leading.
2- God commanded both male and female to have dominion (v. 27).
Both men and women have been given the ability and authority to lead. Leadership is not gender specific.
3- We are to rule over the earth, but not necessarily over each other (v. 28). We were not directed to rule each other, but over the earth's creatures. History is largely the story of how men and women have perverted their God-given roles by trying to rule each other.
4- All of us are to serve one another in the areas of our gifting and purpose (vv. 29,30). God created everything for a purpose. Our general purpose is to lead, but each of us should ask God, "Lord, what's my specific purpose?"
5- Each person's leadership is best exercised in his or her areas of giftedness (v.32). When we discover our gifts, we will naturally lead in those areas where we are most productive, intuitive, comfortable, influential, and satisfied.

Mike's Thoughts:
I (and you, too) am ordained by God to be a leader and I can honor Him by being a servant leader and by using my talents to be an effective leader. Men and women were not made to RULE over each other, but to serve each other as leaders in each of our areas of strength and purpose. All of us have natural ability to lead in different areas or circumstances. It is important that I understand what my strengths are and seek to use them to positively lead others when appropriate and create enduring legacies for future generations.

Mike's Action Points:
1- I will honor God by being a positive leader.
2- I will honor and respect the leadership of others, male and female.
3- I will pray for revelation as to my strengths and His purpose for my life.
4- I will step forward as a leader when it is appropriate.

Please see my Leadership blog:

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