Thursday, September 10, 2009

Not Leading Today Will Cause Regrets Tomorrow

John Maxwell's Commentary on Genesis 3:6-19:
First Leader to Drop the Ball
At the moment he received God's mandate to rule over the earth, Adam became the first spiritual leader in human history. Initially, this meant overseeing the garden and providing direction to his family. Adam was to be a good steward over his resources and relationships. Unfortunately, he failed on both counts.
When Eve brought the forbidden fruit to Adam, he mismanaged God's
creation by eating it. Adam also mismanaged his wife by remaining
passive when he should have taken a stand, thus allowing both Eve
and himself to fall morally. When God confronted him with his sin, he blamed others: "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave
me of the tree, and I ate" (Gen. 3:12).
Spiritual leadership isn't complex; it simply requires a willingness to take responsibility. Sadly, many spiritual leaders continue to duplicate Adam's mistake by shirking their responsibilities at home, in the neighborhood, on the job, and in the church. They forget that while Adam's failure started at home, in just a short time it damaged all his relationships, spoiled the beautiful place he lived, and ultimately devastated the entire world. And the whole mess can be traced back to one spineless refusal to lead.

Mike's Thoughts:
Leadership begins in the home. If I can't be a good leader in my home then I surely can't be a good leader elsewhere. Adam's mandate from God was to oversee the garden and give direction to his family. As a leader of my family, my mandate today is really no different than Adam's. I am to be a good steward of the resources and relationships God has blessed me with. Being a good steward is not always easy; in fact, more often than not it takes work, dedication and, of course, prayer. As John Maxwell states, "it simply requires a willingness to take responsibility."

Mike's Action Points:
1- I will pray for the strength, wisdom and character to be the leader God wants me to be.
2- I will look to other Godly leaders as role models and mentors.

Please see my Leadership blog:

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