Sunday, July 19, 2009

The 30-Second Rule

John Maxwell's 25 Ways to Win With People:
2. Practice the 30-second rule (encourage them during the first
30 seconds) - Jesus and Simon Peter (John 1:42).
42 And he brought him to Jesus. Now when Jesus looked at him, He said, “You are Simon the son of Jonah.[i] You shall be called Cephas” (which is translated, A Stone).

Mike's Thoughts:
I'm always amused by motivational speakers and self-help gurus who
give the impression of having some new revelation that we can all grasp
on to and become better at whatever we are seeking. In reality, if you look
at any worthwhile motivational or self-help theory or thought it has its roots
in the Bible, whether that is acknowledged or not. One that we hear often is
to compliment people on something when you meet them. Well, here is the
foundation for that right here in the Bible! Of course, most of the time when
we meet people we don't have divine revelation or knowledge of them as
Jesus did with Simon. So, we are to look for something about them to
compliment them on; their clothes, their hair, their teeth, their demeanor, etc.
Personally, I struggle with this because I'm generally nervous about meeting
new people in the first place and remembering their name; and to make my feeble mind search for something to compliment them on, too, throws me in
to overload! However, if done with sincerity, I know that it is powerful in
winning people over. Mike's action points:
* I need to pray and ask God to remove the barrier in my mind that is
keeping me from remembering people's names when I meet
them and allowing me to pay them sincere compliments.
* Practice, practice, practice. Work with some friends or work mates
and practice paying each other compliments. When you see
people, even if you aren't going to meet them, look at them and
see what you can sincerely compliment them on and then
rehearse doing so in silence to yourself or in front of a mirror at
*** Important Note: Telling someone you are not already intimate with they are sexy or something related is not a sincere compliment, but a pickup line and can get you into trouble.

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