Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bigger Leadership

John Maxwell's Commentary in His Introduction to Ecclesiastes:
Our leadership must be about something much bigger than us. If our
leadership advances merely our own "kingdom," only increases the profits
of our company, or only benefits ourselves - we have failed the higher call
of leadership. All leadership must bring honor to God, serve and benefit
others, and utilize the gifts of each team member to their fullest potential.

Mike's Thoughts:
This paragraph really speaks to me as a leader and a coach. In my opinion,
one of the two biggest problems we have in society today are business,
community and political leaders who only strive to advance their self-serving
agendas and short-term profits to make themselves look good. Our
leadership service must be about creating leaders for future generations and
leaving strong Godly legacies that will not wilt under the pressures of the
world. Leaders are to serve to benefit others, not themselves! Finally, this
paragraph ends with one of the biggest challenges leaders face and that is
to utilize the gifts of their people to their fullest potential. How do we do that? Well, the following steps may make a good start:
1- Identify their individual gifts/talents/strengths.
2- Encourage and help them to develop and use those talents.
3- Help them to understand how to work around their weaknesses.
4- Give them the foundation to grow in the areas of their leadership
5- Help them to grow in their Spiritual walks.

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