Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Are You Good at Pictures?

John Maxwell's Commentary in his Introduction to Jude:
Lessons in Leadership:
* Leaders must use pictures to capture the hearts of their people.
* Leaders must express certainty when possible, but clarity at all
* Effective leaders don't demand, but exhort, appeal, and urge others
to act.
* People need both negative and positive reinforcement.

Mike's Thoughts:
I have always struggled with the first point on using pictures to influence
people. I have just bought a book called, "the Power to Write" by Caroline
Joy Adams and I hope it will help me in this area. It is advertised as "a
writing workshop in a book" and has "Seven Keys to Discover Your Writer
Within". Isn't it interesting how virtually every modern leadership philosophy
that is worth its salt can find its basis in the Bible? I believe the above
mentioned traits are just as important in the family, if not more so, as they
are in the work place.

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