Monday, July 6, 2009

Are You a Confronter?

John Maxwell's Commentary on Jude 3-4:
Confrontation: Jude Admonishes People to do Right
Confrontation is a necessary evil. No one enjoys it, but it must be
done in order to rectify, purify, and unify the organization. When
leaders refuse to confront wrongs, the atmosphere can become
lethargic and unfocused. When leaders don't stand for something,
their people will fall for anything.

Mike's Thoughts:
As a leader, I must have courage to confront wrongs and set the ship on
the right path. Sometimes wrong happens innocently, sometimes
purposefully. Regardless, it must be confronted and dealt with. As a leader
I must reflect the values and vision of my organization/family and
communicate such frequently to the people so that they may stay focused
and not stray from the course.

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