Monday, July 13, 2009

Is Your Work Vanity?

Ecclesiastes 1:14:
I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind.

Mike's Thoughts:
This certainly presents a paradox for me. As a leader I'm supposed to push
my people to stretch their comfort zones, embrace the vision and mission of
the organization and continually strive to fulfill them, to constantly be looking
for better ways to do things, to work hard on relationships and devote
themselves to on-going personal improvement. And yet, Soloman is telling
me that it is all "vanity and grasping for the wind"? Well, if I just look at these causes by themselves, then yes it is vanity. However, if I look at a
larger picture with God in it, it makes much more sense. Rick Warren, in his
book, A Purpose Driven Life, tells me that EVERYTHING I do should be
about God and EVERYTHING that happens is a spiritual event. God is very
interested in HOW I go about my life and not so much what I accomplish in
my life. Do I put God first in everything I do? Do I live my life to please Him
with everything I do? As a leader I need to work with my people to achieve
the above causes, but only within the parameters of pleasing God with their
work and mine.

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