Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Will You Change Eternity?

John Maxwell's Commentary in His Introduction to Ecclesiastes:

Why we do something ultimately determines what we do.
.... all earthly goals and blessings, when pursued as an end in themselves,
lead to dissatisfaction and emptiness.
All good leaders operate from a personal and corporate mission statement.
Vision drives them.
.... leaders ought to wrestle with how they might change eternity through
their leadership.

Mike's Thoughts:

As a servant/legacy leader, my motives behind my actions are important to
God and may have a profound effect on those I lead. It is my job to lead
people with a mission and vision that honor God and not earthly goals. As
I become involved in projects and activities and assume leadership positions, I should always seek to serve others in such a way that they will
be so inspired to "pay it forward" for future generations. This is Legacy

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